Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One awesome lady....

For all of us, Mary is the epitome of the word "Mom"....her world is her children and the joy that they bring her.  This love envelopes all those around her and their families.  I am in awe of her energy and stamina even in the midst of this ordeal.  For starters, she organized a belated Birthday celebration for Gina  at all places - Chuck-E-Cheese .  You are truly a fairy "god-mommy!"  You live in the moment and find true joy.  What an inspiration to us all who get bogged down in the day to day hustle and bustle.  Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us...I know you were tired.  Even still you found a way to climb your way through the kids climber to help Gina up so she could slide down the slide.  As I watched you boogey with the girls on stage, I knew how blessed Gina truly is to call you Aunt Mary.  I love you and pray daily that you know how much we all appreciate you and are there for you.  We love you Mary. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cath- I am so honored and touched. My perspective was I was having as much fun as the kids! Yes I paid for it later- but it was worth every bit of it! But your words touch me deeply and I am so humbled that read such wonderful things about me and how I am perceived. We often forget how we are perceived, and perhaps sometimes how much our good friends really can see through us and how much effort it takes (physically, emotionally and spiritually) to do things. So only a good dear friend would see all these things in me and appreciate them. And then shout them out for all the world to hear. Or at least those following this blog! I am as inspired in return by you and Paul and ALL you have been through, conquered, survived- and then yet THRIVED! You both have your hands FULL- and yet you find time to set the website and blog up for me, make us delicious meals and ANYTHING ELSE that is asked of you (or not asked as Paul keeps offering to go grocery shopping!) just because you are my friend- and I am yours. We are the epitome of what a FRIEND IS- and it is a beautiful thing and I am so very grateful and giddy to call you FRIEND.
