Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, January 17th

Took dinner over to Mary and the family this evening.  She is looking good but tired.  First round of treatment today and Mary is in good spirits.  Though in Mary "style" she is not slowing down and talking about painting a basement floor!!   There is a fire inside her and I am in awe of her and her strength.  However, I think some of her motivation is her way of feeling "normal," too.  She seems compelled to be doing something...anything for that matter.   You cannot fault her for that....she is determined to kick this disease and gain some control..and I pray that she is successful. 

She said that the medication is making her feel funny....almost as if she is "drunk" and she tried to explain that she feels like her body is twitching though it is not noticeable.  She had anticipated feeling nauseous today but overall, it has not been bad.  However, with round 2 on Wednesday she does not think she will be that lucky.  Hopefully, it will go smoothly for her.

Will update with more news soon.  Keep the prayers and well wishes coming!  


  1. I didn't know about your condition at all. I'm so sorry to hear. It sounds like you have the perfect outlook, and a great support network to help you through this journey. I'm local too, so let me know if you need to me to do/provide anything. I'm happy to join the support team.

  2. Thanks Jodye. It has been a 2 year long journey to a firm diagnosis and to be ready for treatment. Unfortunately, by the time we got to this point, I had already worsened to a severe neurological lyme disease state. But I have started treatment now and hopefully in 6 mo to a year or so I'll be better and off all the meds I am taking. Keep an eye on the volunteer spot site (or register? not sure how it works I am afraid!) for how to help and I plan to use this blog and my facebook to keep everyone updated on how things are going. In the meantime, I always am happy to receive all the prayers I can get! Hope your family is well and that 2011 brings you much happiness, health and success! Mary

  3. My family is praying for YOU and your family. May you be restored to perfect health quickly. You are surrounded by love and remember that always.

    You can find great support at thes websites: and

    Let me know what I can do to help you. MUCH LOVE! Keep your beautiful smile, extraordinary faith and will power. Please know I am here for you and your entire family.


    jean xoxoxo

    jean gonnella

    (contact info on my fb page if you feel up for a call or if your husband or anyone needs my help. I would like to do anything I can to help you.) Can someone post your address or send it to me on facebok?)
