Friday, January 14, 2011

Update from Ajay

Hi folks....please forgive my sending a group email...but all of you have inquired as to how Mary is doing so I thought I would shoot out a quick update to all of you...hope you don't mind.

Not a lot to report....she received her first infusion on Wednesday and dealt with it pretty well (little nauseous)....and does not start her regular regiment until Monday. She does have the "power line" (defined as catheter inserted into her chest, going directly to her superior vena (top of her heart). Wednesday was a little overwhelming for both of us as it is one thing to know you are beginning treatment, it is another to actually see a tube coming out of your chest and then being trained on the various nurse like procedures we will have to master (sterile dressing changes and drug administration). Think surgical masks, gloves, the whole bit...very serious deal, as an infection to the "site" could spread to her heart very quickly. That said, it is good to get her started finally...after such a long road of misdiagnoses, procedures, close calls, etc. Back to her treatment...on Monday she will begin her regimen of two IV antibiotics per day, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, plus 2 oral antibiotics every day, plus Lactate Ringers (saline) on her off days. Beginning the week after next week, they will step up her IV antibiotics to two kinds of medicines at a time, which is when she will likely start feeling really sick. The odd thing is that when she starts feeling really sick (called "herxing"), it means the spirochetes are being killed off, which is a good thing.....however it will make her feel like complete shit. So she has to hope she feels she can feel better!!

Her spirits are okay, though, she is tired. Thanks so much to all of you for your continued love and support for Mary....please don't hesitate to reach out to her, (phone is best as she does not check email often), as I am sure she would love to hear from you all.



  1. Ajay - please pass on to Mary that she is in my thoughts and prayers, as are you, the kids and the medical team that is guiding you through this process. Thanks so much for these updates!

  2. Thanks Kelly! I appreciate all the supportive thoughts and prayers I can get! And I am being treated by one of the best lyme doctors who is busy treating many other people suffering from this insidious disease, so I am sure they could use all your prayers as well!

    Between Ajay, Cathy and myself, we will do our best to keep everyone updated on how things are going and to share this amazing spiritual and medical journey that I am on. Thanks again for the prayers- they lift me up and keep me strong!


  3. Mary and Ajay - Sending prayers your way - hoping Mary can kick this disease once and for all... Thanks so much for creating this blog so we can all keep up to date and we hope to come by soon to hang out with Mary for a while (is she's up for it!)...Love to all of you and keeping all body parts crossed that this is the treatment that works for her! All our love!
