Sunday, May 8, 2011

There's Blue Sky Days and Grey Sky Days, and then there are downright Black Sky Days- I'm having some of all of the above!

I have this little book- Bedside Blessings- that I try to keep up on and read the inspirational thought for each given day.  On March 18th it firmly reminded me that we all have a cross to bear - "we may not necssarily look as if we are bearing one, but we are.  Each of us has some area of pain and suffering in life.  The world around us would have us run from this burden- to resent it or hate it.  Instead we should- and I know this is tough for many to hear and believe- embrace it.    You know even I need this reminder now and then.  I KNOW and BELIEVE that this lyme disease is my cross to bear- and I accept it.  But I don't know if I can honestly say that I embrace it- certainly not everyday!

Its been a few weeks now since I last updated this Blog, and everytime I go to start an update, I get distracted by either complications in my treatment or with all the appointments I have or even all the 'to do's' that seem to pile up.  

Well I did get distracted AGAIN and never finished THIS BLOG either.  But it has such a powerful message that I wanted to share that I am posting it at this belated time so that I can share the message in hopes that it reaches someone else that needs to hear it. 

I do NOT question God why I am sick or why this has happened to ME.  I do NOT blame God.  I truly believe that this is my cross to bear, for whatever reason, and I am accepting it.  I might be struggling a bit still with the embracing part- but I think that it might mean to make the most of it, which i do think I am doing MOST DAYS.  And I am slowly but surely starting to get involved in the advocacy part a bit so that I can help to communicate to more people about Lyme Disease and give the TRUTH and educate people so that they can get a proper diagnosis and treatment- hopefully BEFORE it progresses to the neurological level as it did with me.  But there are alot of people out there getting diagnosed with things like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS and Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers as well as some other psychological and neurological based conditions that may all very well be the result of undiagnosed and untreated Lyme disease!  One day soon hopefully we'll know for sure AND the CDC will FINALLY admit that Chronic Lyme DOES exist AND start to support and fund research for improved testing as well as standarized treatment that WORKS for patients and DOES NOT cost a fortune- oh- AND is covered by health insurance!

I know I am living a fantasy right now- and that's a tall order for a miracle request.  But this should be what ALL of us are praying for.  For the day after the CDC admits they are WRONG the world will never be the same.  And the journey to finally deal with Lyme Disease appropriately AND successfully will begin.  For this I pray.....

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all my MOM FRIENDS!  I wish you a day you deserve full of sunshine, laughter, the company of loved ones and a day where you get to do what YOU want to do (and getting waited on hand and foot all day wouldn't be so bad either!).  Special blessings are being sent your way!  Love and kisses,  Mary

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